dimecres, 23 d’octubre del 2013

Tuesday, 29/10/2013

Today is a special day... it's Halloween!!!

For that reason, today's lesson would be a little different:

1.- Hello song it's optional... they can choose

2.- The Halloween coloring tab:

They can paint it while working with colors and listen the Pumpkin's song

3.- Make the Halloween costumes (while we work with the Halloween's vocabulary)

4.- Dance with the skeleton:

5.- Bye bye song with scary voices... they love it!!! :))

dimarts, 22 d’octubre del 2013

Organización de la semana del martes, 22/10/2013 y el jueves 24/10/2013


1.- Hello's SONG with new concept (TODAY: PUMPKIN)

2.- Introduce Halloween Vocabulary:

and watch the video (repeating the words):

3.- Visit the bathroom
(no run, hush, in order...)

4.- The song of the dayJack o' Lantern

and practice singing the song

5.- Introduce the new song: The Skeleton Dance:

... and practice the movements of the song while learning the parts of the body

6.- Finish: Bye bye song while go.

dimecres, 16 d’octubre del 2013

Organización de la sesión del jueves, 17/10/2013

Organización de la sesión del jueves, 17/10/2013

1.- Hello's SONG with new concept (animal, transport, etc)

2.- Color's review: "My name is ______ and my color is ______"

3.- Visit the bathroom (no run, hush, in order...)

4.- The song of the week: Head, shoulders, knees and toes

5.- Practice the movements of the song

6.- Finish: Bye bye song while go.

dijous, 10 d’octubre del 2013


Avui farem servir una cançó molt divertida per treballar algunes parts del cos:

Espero que us agradi! :)

dijous, 3 d’octubre del 2013

Un ejercicio de números
Un exercici de nombres
A numbers exercise

Hello everybody!

Hoy vamos a trabajar los números
Avui treballarem els nombres
Today we're going  to focus on numbers
